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A Q&A With USAPEEC Chairman Thomas Isaf

September 30, 2024

Thomas Isaf of Interra International was elected USAPEEC chairman for 2024-2025 at the annual meeting in June. During a recent visit to USAPEEC’s offices, he took time to answer some questions and offer his thoughts about the organization, the industry, and his plans for the next year.

Q: You’ve been Interra’s representative to USAPEEC for nine years now, and with Interra for 19 years. What are some of the big changes you’ve seen over that time?

A: Trade and markets are constantly shifting. This is the normal course of the export business. As an industry we have been very fortunate over my time to have had some very strong and long-lasting trading partners. Recently, we have added new trading partners, and I am hopeful trade grows and becomes more stable.

Really, the biggest change, I think, is the impact technology has had on our industry. It’s changed massively since I’ve been here and is changing at a faster pace than ever before. Technology regarding traceability, sanitary requirements, communications, computer systems, personal phones. Even in my time, Interra used to send faxes. Then long-distance calls. Now, we can talk to anyone anywhere instantly at no cost.

Q: Will technology continue to make a big impact?

A: No question. The future is about data. The real question is how you capture that data and make it usable. It’s a very big challenge, and everything is happening so fast technologically. It all makes the future unclear. There is danger in the interim period of implementing the incorrect tools. But I think you have to see technology as an enabler, not a limiter. We can have better quality, less risk, greater traceability, and better planning and forecasting.

Q: Tell us something you treasure about your experiences with USAPEEC

A: The people I’ve met and continue to meet. I’ve been with this organization for a very long time, and I’ve had the fortune to meet some very powerful characters. They’ve served as sort of unofficial mentors for me. It’s something I really appreciate and value. Having a forum to be able to discuss the challenges we face with these people has been incredibly helpful to me over the years. This really is an industry of problem solvers … creative problem solvers.

Q: What are some goals you have for your year as chairman?

A: I’d like to help lay the groundwork to provide even greater stability for this organization. There are different ways to do that. One is to work with our partner organizations like USMEF and NCC and NTF to present a more unified voice to help influence on key issues. Not just go it alone. That’s a major emphasis.

Another is to develop new markets. The need to do this is massive.

And we really need to figure out and work through some of the key trade issues we’re dealing with now.

Q: What gives you your greatest happiness.

A: That’s an easy one: my family.

And, within this industry, it’s the people. And the challenge

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